Do You Have to Go to Film School?

Growing up, we were taught by our parents that school is the most important thing. Is it? NO! In fact, sometimes I just say NO to school!

Ok, school is important, but is it a necessity? For film, I would say no way. In my opinion the best way to learn is by READING. I know some of you dread reading, but if you are passionate about a subject, wouldn’t you do anything in order to obtain knowledge about it? I would! “But Josh, why don’t you want to go to school for film?” My answer is simple… I learn faster and absorb more information when I am researching about a topic online. The internet is an infinite source of information.

YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, forums, blogs…the list goes on and on and on and on and on…..

The truth is, nobody needs to go to film school to become a cinematographer. However, some schools provide an excellent way for students to learn by putting them behind real equipment and sound stages. That is something everyone wants to pay for. Experience!

So if you refuse to go to school and want to learn about film; do your reading online, find a way to get hired as an intern for a production company or any media/entertainment company and you will see the kind of excellent exposure you will get.

I was lucky enough to get an internship with a celebrity matchmaker and life advisor. That internship helped me build a business and learn how to deal with talent. I believe that in order to start your business (of any kind) you have get as much exposure in that field as you can.

My internship landed me a job. That job grew my business, providing me with more clients. And guess what? I am still growing my business. Picture a seed that needs water to grow…well that’s a business! There is endless amount of opportunity and knowledge, all you have to do is look for it!

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